How Can You Get Custody of Your Child?

For many parents, there is a lot involved in the divorce process. Not only does the couple experience a romantic split, but they also experience the sense of loss of the family unit. They may feel that they have lost more than a marriage, they have lost access to their children as well. If you are a parent who is considering a move toward custody for your child, you may have a lot of questions.

Signs You May Win Your DUI Case

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a common crime with many people. The dangers of DUI mean that most jurisdictions have declared an all-out war on the vice. Winning a DUI case is not easy if the police have evidence of your crime. However, this doesn't mean your goose is cooked if the police have charged you with a DUI. You have a fighting chance under the following circumstances. Lack of Physical Control of Car